It's time to think about watering and doing it efficiently. Recently I've been taking the time to go around to every plant and blueberry bush and water them all by hand using the hose and sprayer. It takes me a good hour to hit everything and get a good soaking into the soil. Of course I can use a sprinkler and let it run for about an hour and a half. The problem I have is that I end up wasting a lot of water by watering things like pathways between the beds and areas beyond the garden fence that don't necessarily need the water. I looked at some pretty good looking drip irrigation systems. In fact I stopped by Lowes this past Thursday and they have a great drip product. The issue is the cost. I'd like to keep it economical in that whatever I end up spending I'll save in water bills. So the goal is to build a system that will be cheap and effective. The plan that I have come up with which will be completely experimental and is detailed as follows. I am going to take and purchase one sprinkler hose, several splicing connectors, and some clamps. The estimated cost for this will be under $20.00. I've been given several old regular hoses to use for the project. So free is good. The plan is to cut lengths of the sprinkler hose to fit each raised bed. Then between each raised bed via the paths I will use the regular hose that will get spliced to the sprinkler hose. I will zig zag this completely through the garden area until all of the areas are covered. The hoses will be held down to the end of each raised bed using a bracket that will screw into the frame of the bed. That is the plan. I'm thinking I will probably get to this next week Thursday. I'll add photos beginning, end and sprinklers in action when it's all done.
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